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How To: LED Control

Controlling the LED integrated into Core Module is like printing Hello world. In this chapter, we will go over some simple examples of how to do that



In this simple example, the LED will be initialized and then it will blink continuously for the whole program runtime.

Simple Blinking LED Code Example

#include <application.h>

twr_led_t led;

void application_init(void)
twr_led_init(&led, TWR_GPIO_LED, false, false);
twr_led_set_mode(&led, TWR_LED_MODE_BLINK);


This second example uses Core Module integrated Button to switch the LED ON/OFF.

Also, the LED will blink at the start of the program. This is useful for most firmware, it is a good indicator that the code started well.

Button Controlled LED Code Example

#include <application.h>

// LED instance
twr_led_t led;

twr_button_t button;

void button_event_handler(twr_button_t *self, twr_button_event_t event, void *event_param)
twr_led_set_mode(&led, TWR_LED_MODE_TOGGLE);

// Application initialization function which is called once after boot
void application_init(void)
// Initialize LED
twr_led_init(&led, TWR_GPIO_LED, false, 0);
twr_led_pulse(&led, 2000);

twr_button_init(&button, TWR_GPIO_BUTTON, TWR_GPIO_PULL_DOWN, 0);
twr_button_set_event_handler(&button, button_event_handler, NULL);